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Hydraulic Body Panel Straightener

A few years ago I impaled the Landy on my VW T3. No need to say which vehicle came off worse.
Prepping the T3 for sale and have been in two minds whether to do anything with the dents.
There is access from inside the engine bay and I was wondering about the effectiveness of an Hydraulic Body Panel Straightener.
The better ones are not cheap but its not a major job so might get away with something Chineesey. eg
Hydraulic Body Straightener
or I may try to borrow one from somewhere.
Probably not a tool needed for a Landy when Land Rover No 1 tool can be used. Unfortunately the space is limited so swinging a hammer is not an option. I could cut off the corner and weld in a new panel but am reluctant to do that.
Any one used one of these on a job?
And do they work in confined spaces?
You can use a slide hammer, I've done dents from the outside. Or maybe see if you can hire a hydraulic kit,or rent a space in a garage including tools for a morning.
Biggest problem you'll have is the formers,can you get the right shape & size. Versus how much a new panel is,plus maybe less time fitting it.
I opted for a new headlight panel last year,when I pranged the landy. Would never have got old one straight enough.
Thnks for the suggestions. Back in the 60's my cars were all fibreglass and filler but then they only cost £50. Reluctant to do that today particularly on a classic like the T3. Bottle jacks I have but the turning part is at the top so does not work although could cut of the base and reverse. Just bought a bottle jack for the Landy and I think the Toyota has one so will check out that option.
My G clamps are not big enough but I have a sash clamp that might work. Currently watching You tube videos on "slide hammers" which are new to me.
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